LESSON 3 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Written by: Ms. Amanpreet Kaur Revised by: Dr. Virender Kaushal
1. What do you mean by business environment? Discuss the impact of environment on the functioning of a business organisation. 2. Do you agree that SWOT analysis is important before entering into market? Comment 3. Describe the elements of business environment in detail and their impact on the corporate houses. 4. Define ethics. How the ethics helps in improving the goodwill and profit margin of an organisation? Discuss 5. What do you understand by business ethics? Discuss it need, significance and impact on the working of an organisation. 6. Define CSR. Discuss its features, need and significance. 7. Enumerate the compulsory legislations of the companies act 2013 regarding CSR by taking into consideration the cement industry of India. 8. Define the terms, “Business Ethics” and “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Also differentiate between these terms. 9. Explain the different components of the business environment. 10. “CSR is a myth or reality.” Elaborate this statement with the help of suitable example.