Monday, 25 December 2023

On His Blindness—John Milton notes


On His Blindness—John Milton



Line 1-2

“When I consider how my light has spent”

Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,”

The speaker thinks that all of his light is used up ("spent") before even half his  age is over. Now he lives in a world that is both "dark and wide." because he is a man without light,

The first word of the poem, "When," gives us an idea of the structure of a conditional sentence. Such as "When I broke the glass, I had to find something to sweep it up."

But  the second part of this conditional sentence doesn't come until lines 7 and 8.

Most readers believe that the poem is clearly about Milton's blindness, but the poem never directly refers to blindness or even vision. Instead, we think that "light" is a metaphor for vision.

The metaphor is complicated. The speaker says that his light can be "spent," and this word suggests that he is thinking of something like an oil lamp. The light is "spent" when the oil in the lamp runs out. To make a contemporary comparison, it would be like someone comparing his vision to a flashlight that runs out of batteries before it is supposed to.

The word "spent" also makes us think of money. Milton is reflecting on how he has used or "spent" his vision, now that it is gone.  

The word "ere" means "before." Milton went completely blind at the age of 42.How does Milton know that he became blind before his life was halfway over? Actually, Milton guesses roughly how long he will live.

Finally, calling the world "dark and wide" makes it sound like a fearful place, Interestingly, Milton makes it seem as if the world has run out of light, rather than growing dark because of his blindness.

Lines 3-4

“And that one talent which is death to hide

Lodge with me…. [..]

Here, the key word is "talent." You probably read "talent" and think of skills like swimming or singing etc. But there's a double meaning.  It is an allusion taken from the history of Bible . In the ancient world, a "talent" was also a unit or weight by which money was  measured, just as a "pound" is a unit of both weight and currency.

You can read “Matthew 25, in The Gospel of Mathews. There is story of "The Parable of Talents."

Here is brief summary of "The Parable of Talents." A lord gives three of his servants some money ("talents") to hold on to when he leaves for a trip. Two of the servants use the money to gain more money for their master. (In present language, we know this usage of money as 'investment.') But the third servant just buries the money, When the lord returns, he is happy with the first two servants and gives them more responsibilities (award),  but furious with the third servant. He exiles the third servant into the "darkness," which is now similar to the "death."

When Milton says that talent is "death to hide," he is referring to the money in the Biblical story and also to his own "talent,"  and his talent is a skill.

There is no way to tell what specific talent he means, but our guess would be his intelligence and his writing and reading skills. This "talent" is "lodged" or buried within the speaker just like the money in the story. It cannot be used to make greater profit.

Lines 4-6

“[…] though my soul more bent

To serve therewith, my Maker and present

My true account, leat he returning chide”

The speaker tells us that his talent is as useless as money buried in the desert, but now he says that his unwillingness or lack of desire is not responsible for this uselessness of his skill (talent). Rather, his soul desires (is "bent") to use his skills in the service of his "Maker," God.

He thinks that when he is faced with God, he wants to have a record of accomplishment to show to God.

God is being compared with the lord from the "Parable of the Talents" in Matthew 25. When God "returns" to him like the master in the parable, the speaker wants to show to his muster that he has used his talents profitably.

The word "account" here means both" story" and "a record of activities with money."

If the speaker turns out to have wasted his profits, he worries that God will scold or "chide" him. And if God is anything like the lord from the parable, the speaker could get cast into darkness even more fearful than the suffering of his blindness.

Lines 7-8

Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"

I foundly ask --- […]

It has taken the speaker six lines to get through the part of the sentence that begins "When." Now he goes on to say what happens "when" he thinks about all things he has described above. He asks whether God demands (exact) that people do hard, physical work, or "day-labour,"  when they don't have any light.

The speaker doesn't have any light because he's blind, but in Milton's metaphor he compares this condition to having to do work at night that you would normally do during the day – like, say, building a house or plowing a field.

The word "exact" means something like "charge," "claim," or "demand." For example ,You can "exact"  500 taka as your fees. So the speaker wants to know if God demands work as a kind of payment that is due to Him.

The first section of the poem is completed by the words "I fondly ask." The word "fondly" means "foolishly," not "lovingly." The speaker accuses himself of being a idiot for even thinking this question.

Fortunately, "patience" steps in to prevent his foolishness. More on that in the next section.

Lines 8-10

[…] but patience, to prevent

That murmur, soon replies, “God does not need

Either man’s work or his own gift; who best

Patience is personified as someone who can talk to the speaker. Patience is often personified in Christian art because of its role in helping one to achieve important virtues like courage and wisdom.

The speaker is about to "murmur" his foolish question about whether God would be so cruel as to make impossible demands of work, but then his patience stops him by the answers. The rest of the poem is the reply made by patience.

First, a patience point out that God does not need anything. God is complete and perfect. He doesn't need work or talents ("gifts") of any kind.

Line 11

Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. […]

Now patience points out  its second point. Patience argues that those people are the best servants of God who allow their fates to be linked with and controlled by God, as if they were wearing a yoke.

Essentially, this means accepting things as they come, especially suffering and misfortune.

A "yoke" is a wood frame that is placed around the necks of farm animals, like ox, cow, so that they can be directed.

Patience doesn't want to make God sound like an unkind slave driver, so God's yoke is called "mild," or not-that is bad. Actually It's not a matter how much you get the time on earth to be loyal to God, it's how you handle your submission to God.

Lines 11-14

[…] his state

Is kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed

And post o’er land and ocean without rest:

They also serve who only stand and wait.

The final point made by patience is that God is like a king, not a lord, so the "Parable of the Talents" does not strictly apply.

Lord needs everyone of his servants on his estates to work for them. A Lord is rich but not so rich that they would keep useless servant. So A Lord usually doesn’t keep servants who are only  for stand around and wait for. On the other hand, Kings have unlimited resources, especially if they control a "state" as large as the entire earth.

With His kingly status, God has plenty of worshiper to do His "bidding" by rushing from place to place, they do things that require light and vision. It doesn't make a difference whether one more person fulfills the role or not.

But kings also have people who "wait" on them, who stand in a state of readiness until their action is needed.

So, we believe that the sentence, "His state is kingly," is meant to contrast with the "lordly" state of the master of the Biblical parable in Matthew 25.

Of course, "wait" can also have the meaning of waiting for something to happen, as in, "I waited for the bus."

What would the speaker be waiting for? The Second Coming of Jesus? The end of history? We don't know because the poem only suggests this meaning so confusingly.

The word "post" here just means "to travel quickly."

The poem ends with a sign of the speaker's disability and this disability is forced on him by his blindness.



 BLAKE’S LIFE 1757 Born 28 November son of James Blake a hosier, near Golden Square in central London. 1768-72 Attended Henry Pars’s drawing...