i) Why, according to Zeus, is Poseidon punishing Odysseus? ii) Disguised as, first, Mentes and then Mentor, Athene helps Telemachus. Illustrate how. iii) Describe the behaviour of the suitors in Odysseus’ home. iv) How does Penelope succeed in keeping her suitors at bay? ii) i) Why are the first four books of the Odyssey called the Telemachy? ii) What does Telemachus learn about his father from Menelaus? iii) How does Athene comfort Penelope? iii) i) Describe Calypso’s island? ii) What message does Hermes bring for Calypso? iii) How does Poseidon cause further trouble for Odysseus iv) i) Why does Nausicaa go to the riverside to wash clothes? ii) Describe how Odysseus is received by King Alcinous and Queen Arete. iii) What happens at the Phaeacian games? iv) Why does Odysseus weep on hearing Demodocus sing v) i) Describe the Land of the Lotus Eaters. ii) How do Odysseus and his men manage to escape from Polyphemus’ cave? iii) How does Polyphemus curse Odysseus? vi) i) What happens to Odysseus’ men in Circe’s palace? ii) How does Hermes help Odysseus? iii) What does Circe ask Odysseus to do, before leaving for Ithaca? vii) i) What does Teiresias predict for Odysseus? ii) How did Anticleia die? iii) Mention some of the great warriors of the Trojan War whom Odysseus meets. iv) What advice does Agamemnon have for Odysseus? viii) i) What advice does Circe give Odysseus before he leaves? ii) Why doesn’t Odysseus tell his comrades about Scylla and Charybdis? iii) What happens on the Isle of Hyperion? ix) i) What happens to the Phaeacian ship, after it has left Odysseus on the shores of Ithaca? ii) What do Odysseus and Athene plan together? x) i) Describe Eumaeus’ life in his master Odysseus’ absence. ii) How does Eumaeus look after his guest? xi) i) What advice does Athene have for Telemachus? ii) Mention the significance of Eumaeus’ story and that of Theoclymenus. iii) What does Telemachus do on returning to Ithaca? xii) i) What is Odysseus’ response to Telemachus’ expression of helplessness? ii) Why does Odysseus ask Telemachus not to inform Penelope about his return? iii) Describe Penelope’s confrontation with the suitors. xiii) i) How do the suitors behave with the beggar (Odysseus in disguise)? ii) What does Theoclymenus predict? xiv) i) Describe the beggar’s appearance. ii) How is the beggar rewarded by the suitors? iii) Describe the gifts the suitors give to Penelope? xv) i) Why does Odysseus ask for an old maid to wash his feet? ii) How did Odysseus get his name? What does it mean? iii) What task does Penelope plan to set for the suitors? xvi) i) Odysseus prays to Zeus to send him a good omen and receives three. Describe these. ii) What does Theoclymenus predict for the suitors? xvii) i) How did Odysseus acquire the bow? ii) What does Odysseus ask Eumaeus and Philoetius to do? iii) Why do the suitors panic after Odysseus manages to string the bow? xviii) i) Who helps Odysseus in the battle in the hall? ii) Why does Odysseus spare Medon and Phemius? iii) How are the disloyal women servants punished? xix) i) Why does Telemachus accuse his mother of being cold? ii) Describe how Odysseus built the bed? iii) Why does Odysseus want to go to Laertes’ farm? xx) i) How does Laertes recognize Odysseus? ii) What does Medon tell the assembly of Ithacans? iii) What does Zeus tell Athene to do? xxi) 1. Write a review of the Odyssey, in which you describe the total action of the epic as a blend of three stories. 2. Discuss the Odyssey as an epic, whose central theme is homecoming. xxii) 3. Odysseus demonstrates many unheroic qualities to survive. Discuss. 4. From what you have learned about Athene in the Odyssey, describe your impression of the role she plays in the career of Odysseus. Point out instances from the text. 5. Describe Poseidon as he is presented by the author of the Odyssey. Briefly estimate his role as the director of Odysseus’ misfortunes. 6. Show how Telemachus grows into a heroic character during the course of the epic. 7. Describe the familial life and social habits of the Phaeacians. “We are the outposts of mankind” (Nausicaa). Do you think they are an effective foil to the Ithacans? 8. Write a short character sketch of Penelope based on what you have learned about her from the Odyssey. 9. Write a short essay in which you describe what you think about the suitor episode. Tell why you do or do not consider this a good epic episode. 10. Write short notes on: a) the Halls of Hades episode b) Odysseus’ scar c) Circe d) Agamemnon e) Teiresias f) Telemachus g) Calypso h) The Homeric Simile (select and analyse four similes)
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